Meet the Staff
Rob Dressler | Pastor

Meet Rob and June Dressler
June and I are profoundly grateful to serve in the pastoral role at Canby Evangelical Church. As lifelong members of the body of Christ in various locations throughout the United States, our heart is in the work of the church as a resource for God’s truth, light, and love.
As God - through His people - has nurtured us along our spiritual journey, we recognize the necessity for each individual in the body to encourage one another, “for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith…” (Eph. 4:12-13). We are dedicated to the ministry of reconciliation lived out in authentic relationship with one another.
Rob has a BS in Business Administration and an MBA from the University of Oregon. He earned his MA in Ministry with a specialization in Biblical Studies from George Fox University. June has a MA in Counseling from George Fox University, and a PhD in Counselor Education from Oregon State University. June currently provides administrative support for CEC.
We treasure time with our children and grandchildren - going to volleyball tournaments and soccer games, time at the Oregon coast, and enjoying Dressler movie night.
While at CEC, we hope to use our experience and love for Christ in service to His people - within this historic building and throughout our community. We would love to hear from you!
Debra Doty | Worship Leader

Meet Debra Doty
I can truthfully say that being a member of the worship team is one of my very favorite things. Working with music and helping others have opportunity to praise God together is a privilege and a joy. I have been a part of the team for almost 10 years now as a pianist and, just recently, as the leader.
I get to worship God all week long in song as I practice and think about the songs we will sing together on Sunday. That is a big boost to my own relationship with God and helps me prepare for a song service that is, hopefully, both glorifying to God and encouraging to the church.
My husband, Jonathan, and I have 10 amazing children. I am continually active with all of them, but especially my two youngest, Charity and Ezekiel, whom I homeschool. Most of the older kids live close by. Five are married, and we have 11 grandkids. Needless to say, there is always some activity going on in our household and extended family. And, thankfully, many of my children are also musically inclined and are helpful on the music team. What could be better?
There is always room for more musicians, singers, and tech people on the team, and it's a great way to get to know people, as well as to be encouraged and uplifted. I'd love to hear from you if you want to get connected. Hope to see you Sunday!